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Introducing Reimagine Success

Writer's picture: O.V. BrantleyO.V. Brantley

Reimagine Success, 60x72 inch traditional red and white quilt by O.V. Brantley, 2021. Machine quilted by Maxine Moore.

What does success mean to you. If you are like me, it means different things at different times. When I was young, academic success meant everything to me. Later I wanted to be successful climbing the legal professional ladder. Now that I am older and retired, living a life of simple abundance with joy and gratitude is my measure of success. My quilt Reimagine Success encourages a re-thinking of what success means.

Reimagine Success, the latest addition to my red and white quilt collection, is a simple quilt made wholly from red and white triangles with a few black accents to add interest, but it makes a dramatic impact.

The variety of reds give the quilt its character. In addition to domestic prints and batiks, there are African fabrics and one silk fabric I purchased in Beijing, China.

Reimagine Success word detail

I pieced it on my machine, and Maxine Moore quilted it on her long arm. I added the words “Reimagine Success” in the middle of the quilt.

Back of Reimagine Success

The fabric on the back is red and white and contains inspirational words. There is a hanging sleeve on the back, and a label that documents the quilt.

Reimagine Success label detail

I signed it on the front.

Reimagine Success signature detail

SAVE THE DATE: Reimagine Success will join my other red and white quilts in my first solo exhibit November 19, 2022 - January 15, 2023 at the Emma Darnell Museum and Conference Center (formerly the Aviation Community Cultural Center), 3900 Aviation Circle NW, Atlanta, GA 30336. 404-612-8600. Follow my blog for updates and scheduled activities.

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