O.V. Speaks Quilts
Follow my quilting journey
Make Your Stitches Invisible
Thread of the Month — May
Introducing the Heart of Africa
Ireland, Here We Come!
Teams Love My Leadership Memory Quilt Workshop©
Commissioned and DELIVERED! Connie’s Quilt Gems
Rain, Resilience and Rainbows Exhibits at East Cobb Quilt Show
Finally Found Freedom Exhibits at East Cobb Quilt Show
Introducing I Believe in Travel Angels
Check out my AJC Article
Introducing The Hope of Africa
Rain, Resilience and Rainbows at Quiltfest Greenville
Finally Found Freedom at Quiltfest Greenville
Morning Meditation with My Coffee Angel
Introducing I Believe in Wine Angels
Introducing The Romance of Africa
Finally Found Freedom on the Road Again
Favorite Fabric Marker
Morning Meditation With My Flowers
Spring — A Time to Begin Again